Loara High School Ranking and Reviews
The success of students is overall the most important thing, especially at Loara High School. Loara High School ranking, when compared to those of other California schools, can tell us a whole lot more than we expect.

When parents send their students out to school they’re hoping for an exceptional education. While most high schools offer exactly that, there are some schools that need improving. The only way to tell which schools need improvement and how they can improve is to compare them to each other.
Find out the Loara High School ranking in California and then make a decision on if your student should attend that high school.
Loara High School Ranking | Academics
Academics are the most important aspect of any school; in fact, they’re the point of going to school. Unfortunately, the academics at Loara High School needs some improvement. When compared to other California schools, Loara High falls below the state average.
In English, the state average of proficiency is 49%, and at Loara High it’s 51%. While this is above the average, it’s only slightly, and Math proficiency is well below the state average. The state average for proficiency is 38%, but at Loara it’s 21%.
College readiness also determines the academics of a school. At Loara High the graduation rate is 92% but only 32% graduate with UC/CSU entrance requirements at the ready.
Loara High School Ranking | Equity
The equity of a high school will show us how students from different backgrounds and those with disabilities do while under the eye of the school. For example, students who come from low-income housing at Loara High make up 82% of the school’s population.
However, those same students aren’t doing as well as their counterparts in the same classes. Students with disabilities are also falling behind in class. Where the average proficiency among all students at Loara High is about 51%, students with disabilities are landing at 5%.
Compared to the state average, that is almost 10% lower than the state average. While it is the school’s responsibility to teach your children, it is upon the parents to push the school to improve. When it comes to students with disabilities, parents should be asking the school to do more as often as possible.
Loara High School Ranking | Equity
The equity of a high school shows parents how the staff compares, what the learning environment is like, and other things students can benefit from. The student body at Loara High School is 76% Hispanic students, 9%White, and 8% Asian.
The rest of the student body is spread out amongst Filipino, Black, Pacific Islander, and American Indian. When it comes to teachers and staff, there are 25 students for every teacher and 621 students for every counselor.
The state average is 22 students for every teacher and 830 students for every counselor. Interestingly enough, 98% of the teaching staff at Loara High School has more than 3 years of experience. This means the teaching staff has the ability to make the improvements they need.
Loara High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy
Varsity Driving Academy is the best driving school in Orange County, and the focus isn’t just to teach safe driving tactics. The goal is to make sure that students don’t sacrifice too much of their life in order to learn how to drive properly.
Utilizing tools like online driving school and free pick up and drop off services, Varsity Driving Academy makes it easy to learn how to drive and maintain a healthy school life as well.