Printable Parent Teen Driving Contract
Getting a driver’s license for a teen means freedom, not relying on someone else when wanting to go somewhere, and going farther and faster than a bicycle or walking can take you. To a parent, their teen’s driver’s license means worrying about safety, responsibility, and the dangers of the real world. Driving is a very serious privilege for teens, so to make them understand the seriousness of the situation, a good idea may be the introduction of a serious driving contract.

There are already many steps to getting your license. First, you need to learn the rules of the road, then you need to practice the rules while learning how to drive defensively, and finally, a test needs to be passed.
Once all of those steps have been completed, it’s time to get out on the open road, but there should be one more step. In order to show your teens that driving is a privilege and a very serious one at that, you can have them sign a contract.
There’s nothing that says you mean business like a contract. Luckily you will not have to write up one on your own, we have you covered.
Printable Parent Teen Driving Contract
Our printable contract is to be signed by both the parents and the teen, and it has a special set of rules to follow. Rules such as telling you where they plan to go, notifying a parent of being late, and the obvious ones like no drinking and driving and no distracted driving.
There are more rules to follow, and you can agree on a few or all of them. The contract also will show your teen just how much of a responsibility vehicles actually are for the people who drive them.
After signing the contract, you can feel a bit better knowing your teen will take things more seriously. To print the contract, simply click on the image above and print. Then, go over the contract with your teen so they are fully aware of the responsibility they will gain.
How do I schedule my daughters behind the wheel training sessions?
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Hi there, I currently have a daughter Laura Bui taking driving class education. I would like to refer my nephew to your Varsity driving school. Do I get a discount for him?
Thank you for your continued support of Varsity Driving Academy. Please call our office at (949)387-4400 to inquire about current discounts or promotions.
In your posted teen driving contract, the item listed about notifying a parent who they will be driving and if they are late. Isn’t that against teen driving law since they aren’t legally allowed to drive anyone, other than their siblings for the first 12 months of licensing?
Thank you for your interest in our printable contract. This is meant to extend beyond the provisional license stage or to be applied to teens who get their licenses after they turn 18 as well. It is a tool meant to help, but parents should still do their own diligence in monitoring their teen’s driving habits.