Printable Teen Driving Log
One of the many requirements that come with getting a driver’s license is practice. As a parent or guardian, it’s important to ensure your teen has had plenty of practice and fine-tuned their skills. The DMV requires a teen to have 50 hours of training over a 6-month period, and 10 of those hours must be at night.

However, since this is hard to keep track of, most people see this as a suggestion instead of a requirement. To make these hours easier to keep track of, as well as how to focus the practice time, we’ve created a printable teen driving log.

Printable Teen Driving Log
The Driver’s Log will help parents/guardians track what was practiced, when it was practiced, how long practice ran for, and what needs improving. By using the log, both parents and teens can rest assured knowing that the necessary skills have been practiced, creating a safe driver.
In order to print the Driver’s Log, simply click on the image below and you will be able to print the log straight from Google Docs. Combine this with the printable contract, and you’ll be the best-prepared parent in town.
It’s an important step for parents to drive with their teens and teach them the art of driving. Continue to find strengths and weaknesses, even after they’ve received their license. Use the logs to keep track of all driving time and set goals.
I like the what you say and when you driving the test when you see the red light mean stop when you see a yellow light slow down when you see green light it mean go. And don’t driving so fast you need to slow down.