Tips and Tricks for your Tustin Behind the Wheel Test

Varsity Driving Academy works hard to ensure every student has the best chance of getting a driver’s license. Students from Tustin can rely on the fact that they will have all of the tools they need to pass. But there are always more tips and tricks for your Tustin behind the wheel test.

The best tips and tricks for your Tustin behind the wheel test can help prepare you for the road ahead of you.

Tips and Tricks for your Tustin Behind the Wheel Test

Varsity Driving Academy will teach students what they need to pass the tests, but some tips and tricks for your Tustin behind the wheel test can help. There are two tests students will need to take at the DMV. The first test is the written test. The written test covers the basics of driving laws.

Students must pass the written test in order to get a learner’s permit. That learner’s permit is then validated at the first training session with a certified trainer. Students will then need to complete the training and practice hours before they can take the behind the wheel test.

This is the test that most students stress over the most when it comes to getting a license. There is nothing like having someone critique you while sitting right next to you in a car. But there are some tips and tricks for your Tustin behind the wheel test that can help you destress and tackle this test like a professional driver.

Know Your Car

The first tip is to get to know the car you will be using for the driving test. You will be expected to know what every button does, how to control mirrors, how to position your seat, and how to operate the vehicle.

You may not be tested on every single button in your car, but you will not know which buttons and controls the examiner will test you on. One of the classic tips that everyone knows already is to practice driving as much as possible.

But you can also simply sit in the car and familiarize yourself with as much as possible.

Tips and Tricks for your Tustin Behind the Wheel Test Close Up of the Varsity Driving Academy Training Vehicle

Plan Ahead

One of the more important tips and tricks for your Tustin behind the wheel test is to plan ahead. Do not rush around trying to get things done before the test. In fact, the ideal test day would be nothing more than school and the test or work and the test or just the test on the agenda.

This will ensure you do not enter the test late or with your mind all over the place. You can even sign-up for an extra two hours of driving practice on the same day as the test to help remove jitters and go over the crucial aspects of driving just before the test.

Not to mention, have any of us been thinking clearly after rushing around all day?

Common Mistakes

One of the last things a student wants to do is focus so hard that they skip over the basics of driving. Did you know that one of the most common mistakes students make is not checking their mirrors regularly?

This is a simple thing to do, but students skip it because they are so concerned about the bigger things. Even out your thinking and make sure that you don’t skip the small things; they matter. A few common mistakes students make include driving the speed limit, four-way intersections, not properly stopping at intersections, yielding to pedestrians, and having a car that is not test-ready. 

Tips and Tricks for your Tustin Behind the Wheel Test View of a Driving Course Set up for Practice

Ask Questions

Another one of the tips and tricks for your Tustin behind the wheel test is to ask for clarification if needed. You want to be confident when you take your test, but that doesn’t mean you need to be a know-it-all. Instead, you should not be afraid to ask questions if you need to while taking the test.

Of course, you may not want to ask how to do something, but asking for clarification is not a bad thing. Stress can make students take the best guess when they are given instruction but don’t quite hear it. Unfortunately, the best guess won’t work on a driving test.

Think about it this way; the examiner will assume you heard and understood the instruction to make a right turn. But you didn’t what, and you didn’t ask for clarification, so you went straight instead.

The examiner will mark you for not being able to make a right-hand turn, and that could mean the difference between passing and failing.