Tustin High School Reviews and Ratings
Tustin High School was established in 1921. Since the beginning, Tustin High School has been known for its academic success and environment. In fact, in 2015, Tustin High School reviews awarded the California Gold Ribbon to recognize the school’s success. Innovation has been the key to Tustin High and its student base. Great Schools has ranked and reviewed the school based on a few key points, such as academics, equity, and environment.

Tustin High School Reviews and Ratings
Take a peek before you enroll at how Tustin High School reviews and ranks against other California high schools in academics, environment, and equity. Tustin ranks well against other California high schools in academics.
Based on a scale of 1 to 10, Tustin High has received an 8 out of 10 by Great Schools. In the three different testing categories, science, math, and English, Tustin students score above most schools in California.
There is also a 98% graduation rate of students at Tustin High, and 50% graduate with UC/CSU entrance requirements. In fact, there is a higher percentage of students taking advanced courses here than in most schools.
Tustin High School Reviews Equity
A school’s equity is scored based on how students of different backgrounds are treated by staff. To find this out, Great Schools looks at the test scores of different students. For example, low-income students are scoring as high as other students in the school.
Different ethnicities are also looked at. Hispanic students make up 73% of students, followed by 13% White, 5% Asian and 3% Black. All student groups are being taught with the same great methods and no one is being discriminated against.
Students with disabilities are also doing very well at Tustin High. On average, students with disabilities in California have a 19% success rate. At Tustin High, that success rate is 32%.
Tustin High School Reviews Environment
The environment of a high school plays a big role in the success and development of young minds across the country. Unfortunately, there is still some work to be done in this category at almost every high school. However, Tustin High has some promising stats that may help.
For example, the state average number of students per teacher is 22 to 1. At Tustin High, that ratio is 28 to one. Luckily, 94% of teachers at Tustin High have more than 3 years of experience. There is also a 50/50 ratio of boys to girls and one counselor for every 720 students.
The state average for counselors is 830 to 1.
Tustin High School and Varsity Driving Academy
Varsity Driving Academy has the tools that students at Tustin High need to drive into their future. We offer online learning and a free pickup and drop-off service for students. Our goal is much like the goal of Tustin High: to provide students with everything they need to be successful in life as they head out into the world. Safely and confidently.