Corona del Mar High School Ranking and Reviews
When it comes to finding a good high school, parents rely on ratings and reviews. Ratings come from comparing high schools to other high schools in the area or even the state. Corona del Mar High School is one of the schools that is rated and reviewed.

Corona del Mar High School Ranking and Review | Academics
By comparing test scores, environments, and staff from one school to another, we can determine if a school is performing well enough for your teen. Corona del Mar High School has been ranked and reviewed compared to other California high schools and the results may interest parents in Newport Beach.
The academics of a school may be the most important aspect of a high school. If a school’s academics are subpar, then a student may not be able to get the education parents want for them. Academics can be measured in test scores, college readiness, and advanced courses.
Corona del Mar High has some great ratings for academics. Students at Corona del Mar are testing over 30% higher than the state average in California in Math, English, and Science. Over 95% of students are graduating from Corona del Mar High with 86% of students meeting UC/CSU requirements.
Part of that success is thanks to the more than 20 advanced courses that are offered at Corona del Mar High School.
If ranking was given a number, Corona del Mar would get an 8 out of 10 for equity. The equity of a school is measured by the test scores of students from different groups of students. Two major groups of students that are measured include students with disabilities and students from low-income families.
When compared to low-income students across the state, students at Corona del Mar are testing above average. While the number of low-income students is low, only 7% of the student body, most are performing very well.
Students with disabilities are also testing above the state average for their counterparts. In fact, test scores are almost 30% higher than other students with disabilities in the state.
The environment of a high school is measured in student-to-teacher ratios and student-to-counselor ratios. The environment of a school is essential as it can help build a student’s outlook and may directly affect how students perform.
Corona del Mar High has some of the best ratios in Orange County. Currently, the student-to-teacher ratio is 28:1, and the student-to-counselor ratio is 423:1. While these numbers seem bad, compared to state averages, these numbers are pretty good.
The state average for students to teachers is 22:1, and student to counselor ratio is 830:1. What’s even better is that 95% of teachers have over three years of experience teaching.
Varsity Driving Academy
Varsity Driving Academy helps students learn how to drive safely in Newport Beach. When it comes to students from Corona del Mar, Varsity Driving Academy is determined to provide the teachings necessary to lead to success.
Our services are built for students who want to focus on school as well as learn how to drive. One of the most beloved services is our free pickup and drop-off service. Parents and teens can learn more about our services today and then register for classes.