If you want to know how to drive in city traffic you will want to implement a few driving tips to keep yourself and others safe.

How to Drive in City Traffic | 5 City Driving Tips

Driving in the city is very different when compared to driving in a small town or even in a residential area. There are people all over the country who rarely drive in a city and so they don’t know how to drive in city traffic. But if you know how to drive defensively, you know what tactics to use in city traffic. There are a few tips you can use to make sure you protect yourself, your car, and others on city roads.

If you want to know how to drive in city traffic you will want to implement a few driving tips to keep yourself and others safe.

How to Drive in City Traffic | 5 City Driving Tips

If you want to know how to drive in city traffic you will want to implement a few driving tips to keep yourself and others safe. Before driving into a city, it is important that you are aware of your surroundings but also, that you know what to expect. City’s are filled with other drivers and pedestrians of all different types. Knowing what to expect can help in many different ways. Even if you’re unfamiliar with a city, you can guarantee that there will be a lot of other drivers on the roadways and pedestrians. If you assume that you will not encounter other drivers or pedestrians in the city you will be more likely to experience road rage or start driving too aggressively.

How to Drive in City Traffic | Try to Avoid Rush Hour

City traffic is bad enough on any given day but if you add rush hour traffic to it, things get worse. If you can, always try to avoid rush hour traffic. Rush hour varies depending on where you live or where the city is located. However, general rules consider rush hour to be between 7 am and 9 am and then again between 4 pm and 6 pm. If you’re driving in the city to visit, avoid these hours during weekdays. Another reason to avoid rush hour besides taking more time to get anywhere, there is also a higher risk of an accident with so many drivers on the roads.

How to Drive in City Traffic | Crosswalks

Pedestrians line city streets no matter where it is and that means many opportunities to get in an accident. Always pay attention to pedestrians just as much as you pay attention to other drivers on the roads. When you approach crosswalks, always give space for people to walk and always be cautious of both ends of the crosswalk. If you see someone standing on either end of the crosswalk, give yourself a minute to make sure they’re not trying to cross the street. Pedestrians always have the right of way, even when they don’t. So be aware of all types of pedestrians.

If you want to know how to drive in city traffic you will want to implement a few driving tips to keep yourself and others safe.

How to Drive in City Traffic | Taxis, Ubers, Lyfts

We live in a ridesharing world now and it intensifies in the city. What do ride sharing cars have to do with you? Well, they’re obstacles that you need to approach with caution. Cabs have always been a sore spot for city dwellers. The goal of the rideshare drivers is to pick up pedestrians, sometimes from busy roads. To pick up these pedestrians, these drivers are known to suddenly swerve, stop, drive faster, drive slower, and overall, in a reckless manner. It is up to you to make sure that you are prepared for those sudden movements. If you find yourself driving around a rideshare vehicle, approach with caution, give more space between you and them and always be ready to stop.

How to Drive in City Traffic | Keep Calm and Drive On

One of the most dangerous things you will encounter while driving in a city is yourself. Don’t let other drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, or anyone get under your skin in a way that prevents you from driving safely. Road rage can be very dangerous and make you act out of character so don’t let it. Simply come to terms with where you are, be aware of what you can expect, and allow yourself to enjoy it even if it isn’t something to enjoy.