Huntington Beach High School Ranking and Reviews
Huntington Beach High School ranking is determined by comparing it to other California schools. That ranking can tell parents, students, teachers, and other staff where improvements can be made and where to take examples of success from.

Many people choose a high school to attend based on where they live. There are districts and district lines that determine what school students attend and that leaves little room for decisions for parents.
However, knowing about the schools in your area is important, both for students and parents. The Huntington Beach High School ranking makes it easier for parents and students to determine if this high school is right for them.
Huntington Beach High School Ranking | Academics
The academics of Huntington Beach High School are determined by the numbers like percentage of graduates, college readiness, and test scores. Combined, these numbers tell us a story about the education that students receive at Huntington Beach High.
Currently, 98% of students graduate from Huntington Beach High with 69% leaving having met UC/CSU entrance requirements. While these numbers are impressive, improvements can be made to ensure more students meet those entrance requirements.
Impressively, 90% of students are proficient in English and 58% proficient in Math. Another impressive number is the number of advanced courses offered at Huntington Beach High, 33 advanced courses are offered.
Huntington Beach High School Ranking | Equity
A high school’s equity is measured by how well students from different backgrounds are doing with their studies. Some students come from more difficult backgrounds but should be given the amount of attention they need in the classroom to ensure they succeed.
Two groups of students are used to measure the equity, students from low-income families and students with disabilities. Currently, students from low-income families are doing well at Huntington Beach High.
These students are testing right up there with students who do not come from low-income families. Students with disabilities fall under different circumstances and are compared to other students with disabilities at other high schools.
Currently, students with disabilities are 38% proficient in their studies and the state average is 14% proficiency.
Huntington Beach High School Ranking | Environment
The environment at Huntington Beach High shows parents more information about the place they send their teens every weekday for more than half of the year. Currently, the student body is made up of mostly female students with 54% of students being female and 46% being male.
There are also currently 31 students per every 1 teacher whereas the state average is 22 to 1. When it comes to counselors, there are 2983 students for every 1 counselor, the state average is 830 to 1. Fortunately, 100% of full-time staff are certified.
Huntington Beach High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy
Things are going very well t Huntington Beach High, and Varsity Driving Academy wants to help keep this good thing going. Teens want to learn how to drive as soon as they can and many dips in general education studies as they start to learn how to drive.
However, at Varsity Driving Academy, online learning options make it easier for students to learn how to drive without sacrificing education. In fact, a free pick-up and drop-off service make it even easier for students to practice driving and get home safely after each session.
Find out more about what Varsity Driving Academy has to offer and then register for a class today!
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