Sharing the Road with Bikers View of a Bicyclist Riding in a Road

Sharing the Road with Bikers – Tips for Drivers

Roadways are public spaces, so we must be able to share the road with anyone using it. This includes other cars, vehicles, and even bikers. Sharing the road with bikers is important; driving defensively can make a huge difference.

Varsity Driving Academy utilizes defensive driving tactics during behind-the-wheel training, and sharing the road with bikers is part of it.

Sharing the Road with Bikers – Tips for Drivers

Varsity Driving Academy utilizes defensive driving tactics during behind-the-weel training, and sharing the road with bikers is part of it. Many different types of vehicles use roadways. In fact, just saying “bikers” could mean two different types of transportation.

However, in this instance, bikers refer to both motorcycles and bicyclists. Of course, we don’t treat them the same on the road. Knowing what to do if you come across bikers while driving is all part of defensive driving.

Varsity Driving Academy uses defensive driving tactics during behind-the-wheel training. That is part of what makes Varsity Driving Academy the best driving school in Orange County.

Sharing the road with bikers means defensive driving to protect ourselves and the bikers on the roadways all across the country.

How to Handle Bike Lanes

Most cities and towns have implemented bike lanes on roadways. These lanes are specifically designed and designated for bicycles. Drivers should avoid driving in a bike lane. In fact, the only time a driver should enter the bike lane is if they are about to make a turn and need to cross the bike lane to make the turn.

However, bicycles don’t have to stick to the bike lane. They may enter the roadway and follow traffic laws while riding.

Sharing the Road with Bikers a Group of Motorcyclists on the Side of a Road

Take the Lane

Sharing the road with bikers isn’t always easy. Sometimes, roads are too narrow for bicyclists to stay on the side of the road. This is when they will “take the lane.” Taking the lane is when a bicyclist rides in the middle of the road to make themselves more visible.

This is legal, and so cars must slow down and wait until there is a safe moment to pass the bicyclist. In fact, a California driving law requires drivers to move to a different lane if they plan on passing a bike that is taking the road.

Sharing the Road with Bikers View of a Road From the Handle Bars of a Motorcycle

Check Blind Spots

Driving defensively means being vigilant and aware of your surroundings. We should be checking our blindspots often to ensure a bicyclist or motorcycle is acknowledged. This is especially important when changing lanes.

Bikers will usually be riding to pass slowed vehicles or on the sides of lanes. This is why we should check to make sure we are clear before making a lane change.

Sharing the Road with Bikers a Woman on a Bicycle Taking a Drink of Water While Resting in a Bike Lane Next to a Sign That Says Bike Lane

Give Distance

We all know the rule: 2-3 car lengths behind the car in front of you. However, sharing the road with bikers means giving even more space. We must give the bikers enough time to react to what is in front of them. Giving them space also allows us to make changes if needed based on what is happening in front of us.

It is important to remember that we are in metal cars, bikers are not. Car accidents are far more dangerous for them, even if it seems like just a minor tap. 

Sharing the Road with Bikers a Man on a Motorcycle Outside a Building

Use Caution When Passing

California has a law that states we must change lanes to pass a bicyclist, but what about motorcycles? We need to treat motorcycles as if they are vehicles. This means changing lanes to pass and giving space but using extra caution when passing.

A strong gust could knock the biker off the path, so we should slow while passing and be aware of their position. Never forget to use signals so bikers know what you plan to do and can react accordingly.

Sharing the Road with Bikers Two People Riding Bicycles in a Bike Lane on a Street

Lane Splitting

California also allows motorcycles and bikers to lane split in traffic. Lane splitting is when the biker positions themselves directly on the painted lines of a lane. This is usually because motorcycles would have a lot harder time managing traffic if they had to stop and go every few seconds.

Drivers should know that lane splitting is legal in California, so there is no need to react in any special way. Just allow the biker to pass and continue driving safely and defensively.