Finding out how to track driving practice at home is a great way for parents to build confidence in their teens as well as make sure everything is covered.

How to Track Driving Practice at Home

Varsity Driving Academy will do everything to ensure that each student gets enough practice time. However, it is recommended by the DMV as well as by Varsity Driving Academy that students get practice time in at home as well. That means parents should be getting in a care with their teens and taking them out driving or adult students should be practicing at home as well. While it’s easy to get behind the wheel and go, it’s important to keep track of each student’s progress both in class and at home. Knowing how to track driving practice at home will make sure students learn all the things they will need to in order to become safe drivers.

Finding out how to track driving practice at home is a great way for parents to build confidence in their teens as well as make sure everything is covered.

How to Track Driving Practice at Home

Finding out how to track driving practice at home is a great way for parents to build confidence in their teens as well as make sure everything is covered. It is important to take advantage of every tool we have. Varsity Driving Academy has created a free, printable driver’s log for you to use. On the log is everything that should be practiced at home. Go through the driver’s log as you practice and mark down any notes you may have for things to work on or things you feel the most comfortable with. Success is just a few check marks away.

Track Driving Practice at Home | Schedules

A teen has a lot of things to do and so do their parents and that makes scheduling very important. Make a schedule and stick to it, if you all have free time on Thursdays between 6 and 8 pm, schedule practices for that time. Not only will a schedule make things easier to get done, it will also make sure you can keep track of what you’re doing.

Track Driving Practice at Home | Divide Up Practices

There are a few things that require more practice than others like night driving or driving on highways. These things should be added to the schedule you’ve made so that one day you practice driving on highways, the next week you practice driving at night. The important thing is that you don’t move onto the next task until the first one has been mastered. At the very least, the person practicing should feel comfortable with the skill before moving onto the next one.

Finding out how to track driving practice at home is a great way for parents to build confidence in their teens as well as make sure everything is covered.

Track Driving Practice at Home | Make a List

Making a list and checking things off is the perfect way to keep track of what has been practiced at home. The list should consist of a few things like highway driving, driving in heavy traffic, driving in city traffic, driving at night, driving at night in traffic, and driving at night on the highway or freeways. Once the student feels comfortable with one of the situations, check it off and move onto the next.

Track Driving Practice at Home | Work with Trainers

Students of all ages will be working with trainers during their behind the wheel training sessions. During these sessions, the basics will be covered but Varsity Driving Academy takes things even further. Each session consists of defensive driving tactics that will help keep students safe when they’re on the road later on. In order to get the most out of this experience, make sure you as parents stay in contact with the trainers. Let them know what you’ve covered and asked them what they have covered so far. Together, trainers and parents can make sure the right things are covered and covered again if needed.