Back to School Driving Tips for Drivers and Students
School is back in session, and for some teens, that means driving to school for the first time ever. Back to school season also means plenty of parents are looking for back to school driving tips. The best driving tips for school zones will not only help keep you safe in your car but also keep students safe.

It’s important to remember that school zones are entirely different when school is in session, and that means driving tips could also protect your wallet. Use the best back to school driving tips as reminders and put them to good use every single time you head out to school.
Back to School Driving Tips for Drivers and Students
Almost every school has a specific procedure for dropping off students. Be sure to check with the school if you’re unsure of these procedures so that you don’t break any rules. Most of these procedures will consist of a specific drop-off zone, a time limit, and a route in and out that keeps things moving smoothly.
Back to School Driving Tips | Away From Procedure
Some parents would rather try and avoid the drop-off procedure altogether, and that’s fine. However, if you drop your students off somewhere other than the designated zone, follow the basic rules of the road. Do not double park, avoid dropping your students off where there is no safe pathway to the school, and carpool as often as possible to reduce traffic.
Back to School Driving Tips | Crosswalks
Many students are walking to school or taking the bus and using crosswalks to get to class. Do not block the crosswalk when you’re stopped at a light or stop sign. Blocking the crosswalk could force pedestrians to walk around your car and enter the pathway of oncoming traffic.
Another note, some crosswalks have crossing guards or flashing yield lights instead of stop lights or signs. If you see a crossing guard entering the crosswalks or yellow flashing lights, stop. Only proceed once the crosswalk is completely cleared.
Back to School Driving Tips | Pedestrians
Crosswalks are designated for pedestrians to walk safely across the street, but school zones can get a little crazy. Reduce your speed and always be on the lookout for someone crossing the street. While we all know that we shouldn’t cross the street if there is no crosswalk, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be alert when there isn’t one in a school zone.
If you do come across a person crossing the street illegally, do not honk your horn or rev your engine. You could cause a distraction for other drivers in the area.
Back to School Driving Tips | Passing
If a car is stopped in the middle of the road, do not pass them. It is possible that the vehicle ahead of you is stopped for a pedestrian, and if you try and pass them, you could hit the pedestrian. Wait it out and see if there is a reason the car is stopped.
Same goes for buses; never pass a bus in a school zone. If the yellow or red lights are flashing on a bus, treat that as a stop light.
Back to School Driving Tips | Cyclists
Some students ride their bikes to school, and that means you will need to be aware of them as well. Share the road with cyclists by giving them 3 feet between the side of your car and them; always give them the right away.
Unfortunately, children have a tendency not to signal where they will be going when they ride a bike, so be cautious of anything.
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