Research using Costa Mesa High School ranking and reviews and find out if this school is the school for your students and their future.

Costa Mesa High School Ranking and Reviews

How well a high school performs its duties is easily monitored and can easily be compared to others. A high school is meant to provide a general education for students, provide the tools to continue their education after graduation and make sure students are prepared for the world they will be entering. However, some schools perform better than others and the only way we can tell which is which is through rankings and reviews. Costa Mesa High School ranking and reviews show us how it compares to other high schools in the area and in the state.

Research using Costa Mesa High School ranking and reviews and find out if this school is the school for your students and their future.

Research using Costa Mesa High School ranking and reviews and find out if this school is the school for your students and their future.

Costa Mesa High School Ranking | Academics

One of the most important roles a high school is meant to play is the educator and through academics is how we rank their ability to educate. Academics are ranked through test scores, college readiness and how many opportunities students are given for advanced education. Test scores at Costa Mesa High School show us that they are ranking well compared to other schools in the state. Two examples of their success include Math and English proficiency, the state average is at 38% in Math and 49% in English. At Costa Mesa High School, proficiency in Math is at 34% and 45% in English. While proficiency can be improved. what’s impressive is that 95% of students who attend Costa Mesa High graduate and 53% of graduates leave with UC/CSU entrance requirements. Another impressive aspect of Costa Mesa High is that there are over 20 AP courses offered and 54% of students are passing their AP exams.

Costa Mesa High School Ranking | Equity

There are aspects of schools that are a little harder to compare to other schools but that doesn’t mean they’re impossible. The equity of a school determines how the school approaches all of its students and if any groups are being left behind. While a school can’t force a student to complete their work, it is the school’s responsibility to make sure students have all of the opportunities they need to succeed. The best ways to determine the equity of a school is by taking a look at specific groups of students like low-income students and students with disabilities. Currently, 72% of students at Costa Mesa High come from low-income families and they’re performing close to the state average. However, there are schools where low-income students are performing even better which means some improvements can be made. Students with disabilities fall under similar circumstances. The state average for disabled students proficiency is 11% and at Costa Mesa High, that percentage is 6%.

Research using Costa Mesa High School ranking and reviews and find out if this school is the school for your students and their future.

Costa Mesa High School Ranking | Environment

The environment of a school may not affect the performance as much as other aspects but it is still something some parents like to consider. Currently, the school is equally divided up between male and female students with 47% female and 53% male. More importantly, the numbers of students to staff members is what parents are really concerned about. The state averages are 22 students for every 1 teacher and 830 students for every 1 counselor. At Costa Mesa High, those numbers are currently 25 students for every 1 teacher and 441 students for every 1 counselor. While these numbers seem high for the state average, what matters most is if these teachers and counselors can perform their duties well enough to handle the numbers. There are 94% of teachers with 3 or more years of experience and 100% of full-time teachers are certified.

Costa Mesa High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy

Varsity Driving Academy wants to help keep the success going. Giving teens the tools they need like free pick up and drop off service, a DMV Package, and online learning options, Varsity Driving Academy is ready to help students drive into their future. Register for classes today and then learn how to drive safely, defensively, and in the best ways possible.