Dana Hills High School Ranking and Reviews for Parents
Parents and students want to know how Dana Hills High School compares to other schools in the state. When finding the Dana Hills High School ranking, it’s important to consider many different aspects like the environment, academics, and equity.

Parents consider many different things when it comes to finding a place to live. If a family has children, schools become an important qualification for a town or city. The city has one high school for the majority of its residents, Dana Hills High School.
Dana Hills High School Ranking | Academics
Dana Hills High School ranking is based on a few important factors and makes it easier for parents to decide which school is best for their teens. A high school’s academics are the most critical aspect of a high school.
Academics can easily be measured based on test scores, college readiness, and the number of advanced courses offered. Dana Hills High School students are testing above the state average in both math and English. In fact, both subjects are testing at over 20% higher than other schools in the state.
Those test scores translate into a 96% Dana Hills High School graduation rate. Most students also graduate with UC/CSU entrance requirements, 57% to be exact. When it comes to advanced courses, there are 30 advanced courses offered.
Those advanced courses help students prepare for college courses, and having so many available means there is plenty of opportunities.
Dana Hills High School Ranking | Equity
The equity of a school will directly reflect the opportunities all students have at the school. Essentially, a school’s equity is ranked by how students from different backgrounds perform within the same school. One example is low-income students at Dana Hills High School.
Low-income students make up 22% of all students at Dana Hills High, and those students are performing slightly below not low-income students. This means that Dana Hills High has room for improvement as they approach the helpful options for students from low-income families.
Students with disabilities are also in need of more attention at Dana Hills High. Those students with disabilities are testing below the state average for their demographic. Luckily, the difference is only 2% which means Dana Hills High has the opportunity to improve.
Dana Hills High School Ranking | Environment
The environment of a high school can help a student develop interpersonal skills, as well as help develop their outlook on the world. At Dana Hills High, there is a mixture of cultures, like Whites at 63%, Hispanics at 26%, Asians at 3%, Filipinos at 1%, and Blacks at 1%.
The student body is also split, 50/50 male and female, with 4% of students learning English and 22% coming from low-income families. Most importantly, there are 27 students for every one teacher and 1339 students for every one counselor.
The state averages are a bit lower for the student-to-staff ratios, but 91% of teachers at Dana Hills High have more than three years of experience. Overall, Dana Hills High School is a great school that also has a little room for improvement.
All students from Dana Hills High have the option to attend Varsity Driving Academy as well. At Varsity Diving Academy, students learn how to drive defensively. Defensive driving has been proven to be the safer way to drive, and Varsity Driving Academy is ready to teach your students how to utilize that tool.