Edison High School Ranking and Reviews
Schools in California have been ranked and given a rating based on the performance of the students and the environment in which they learn. The Edison High School ranking tells us a lot about students’ performances as well as the environment.

Huntington Beach is home to more than just one great high school. Another great option for parents is Edison High School. When it comes to an education, the school is the most important part. Learning about the Edison High School ranking, parents and students can make a decision and find out if it is the right school for them.
Edison High School Ranking and Reviews
The academics of Edison High is where all of the numbers factor into the overall ranking. For example, the state average for the number of students who graduate from a high school is currently 84% of students.
At Edison High, 94% of students graduate and 58% graduate with UC/CSU entrance requirements. Students at Edison High are also testing above the state average in both Math and English. Currently, students at Edison High are 57% proficient in Math and 82% in English.
The state average for Math is 38% and 49% in English. Students at Edison are also given opportunities to learn in advanced courses with 21 courses being offered.
Edison High School Ranking | Equity
The equity of a school is measured by taking the performance of students who come from difficult backgrounds or who have special needs. Once we see how those students do at a specific school, we compare that performance to that of similar students in different schools.
Currently, students who come from low-income families are performing very well compared to other schools. However, students with disabilities still need more attention at Edison High. The state average for proficiency among students with disabilities is 11% but only 8% at Edison High.
This means there is some work to be done with this area of the student body.
Edison High School Ranking | Environment
Many parents want to know about the environment at the school in which they send their students every day. The environment is important but some of the information is specific. For example, we know that the student body is currently 45% female and 55% male with 61% of the student body being White, 18% Hispanic, 12% Asian, 5% American Indian, 3% two or more races and 1% Black.
The student-teacher ratio is currently 34 students to 1 teacher and 2602 students to 1 counselor. This is roughly average, however, for counselors, this number is vastly greater than the state average. The state average for the counselor to students ratio is 830 students to 1 counselor.
Edison High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy
Learning how to drive is an important part of the teenage experience. Varsity Driving Academy is the perfect option for students of Edison High School. Varsity Driving Academy offers online learning options so students can create their own schedule and learn how to drive on their own time.
There will be no need to push homework aside to attend driving class and no reason to skip practice for driving school. Instead, you make your own schedule. We will even pick you up and drop you off for driver training sessions.
Learn more about Varsity Driving Academy and then register for class today!