Hillview High School Reviews – Tustin Schools
These students still have a chance to graduate with a diploma, and their parents should still pick the school that best suits them. In Orange County, many parents would like to hear Hillview High School reviews.

Great Schools is a website that rates high schools across the country to help parents plan things out. The goal is to provide information on academics, equity, and the environment of a school. However, high schools aren’t the only schools that should be rated.
A continuation high school is where some students go when they need a little extra attention from the teachers and staff. Great Schools provides parents with Hillview High School reviews that will help them understand if this school is right for their teen.
Hillview High School Reviews – Tustin Schools
As Great Schools is in the process of completely reviewing Hillview High School. Currently, test scores for Math are still under review. However, for English and Science, scores are under the state average.
Those scores have led to a common failure to meet UC/CSU entrance requirements. What Hillview High School does have is a very high graduation rate. In fact, 98% of students who attend Hillview High School graduate.
There is one advanced course offered at Hillview High, which is Advanced Graphic Communications. That advanced course allows students to prepare for a possible career after graduation.
Hillview High School Reviews | Equity
A school’s equity is measured by the success of the many different types of students that may attend a school. Hillview High School reviews show that many students, White, and Hispanic are testing below the state average.
Students with disabilities, on the other hand, are testing above the state average. In fact, the state average for passing scores amongst students with disabilities in California is 10%. At Hillview High, that percentage is around 28% of students with disabilities and passing test scores.
The last category Great Schools looks at is low-income students. At Hillview High, students who come from low-income families are testing below state averages.
Hillview High School Reviews | Environment
The makeup of a school is very important to how a student may learn. Hillview High School is made up of 84% Hispanic, 9% White, and less than 2% Filipino, Asian, Black, Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Other.
There is currently 66% male students and 34% female students at Hillview High. However, the environment is where Hillview High excels compared to other schools in California. The current ratio of students to teachers in California is 22:1, and 830:1 counselors to students.
At Hillview High, those ratios are 18:1 teachers to students and 172:1 students to counselors. This is far better than most schools in California. What makes things even better here is that 100% of teachers have 3 or more years of experience teaching.
Hillview High School and Varsity Driving Academy
Varsity Driving Academy welcomes all students from every school in Orange County. Hillview High Students can register for classes with Varsity Driving Academy today and learn how to drive safely when they have time.
Students make their own schedule with online classes and can take advantage of our free pickup and drop-off service for behind the wheel training sessions.