San Clemente High School Ranking and Reviews
High schools in California are compared and ranked in a few different areas like academics, equity, and environment. Many different things factor into each category and then stats are compared to determine a ranking. Parents can use the San Clemente High School ranking in order to understand where they will be sending their teens every Monday through Friday.

San Clemente High School Ranking and Reviews
Learn more about the San Clemente High School ranking and use that information to improve your school in many different ways. To rank the academics of a high school, we turn to things like college readiness, test scores, and advanced options for students.
For San Clemente High, academics is where they shine the brightest. Currently, there is a 98% graduation rate, with 59% of students leaving school with UC/CSU entrance requirements being met. Students at San Clemente High have a 74% proficiency in English and 50% in Math.
The state averages for both are currently 50% proficiency in English and 39% in Math. Students also have plenty of opportunities to advance thanks to the 35 different AP classes that are offered at San Clemente. Altogether, this information gives San Clemente High a good ranking in academics.
San Clemente High School Ranking | Equity
Unfortunately, the equity of San Clemente High has room for improvement. Equity is determined by comparing low-income students success rates to those of the other students. Currently, 20% of the student body at San Clemente High are from low-income families and they are performing at half the proficiency of other students.
This means that students from low-income families could be given more attention in order to help them succeed. Another group of students that are used to determine the equity of San Clemente High includes students with disabilities.
There is proof that the school can offer help thanks to the 24% proficiency of students with disabilities at San Clemente High. The state average for this group of students is currently 15%.
San Clemente High School Ranking | Environment
The environment of San Clemente High is determined by many different factors but only a few are considered to be the most important. Teachers and staff help make the environment better at any school. The ratios for students to staff are interesting, with 28 students for every 1 teacher and 2962 students for every 1 counselor.
The state averages for these ratios are currently 22 students to 1 teacher and 830 students to 1 counselor. Luckily, 93% of teachers have 3 or more years of experience, and 100% of full-time teachers are certified.
San Clemente High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy
Varsity Driving Academy gives students the ability to learn on their own time with online learning options. These options allow students to log on and learn to drive when they have free time and log out when other responsibilities come calling.
Online learning paired with free pick-up and drop-off services mean that students have the freedom to succeed in high school and still learn how to drive without making many sacrifices. Learn more about Varsity Driving Academy at San Clemente High and the register for classes today!
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