Find out what smooth braking is before using smooth braking tips to help you take better care of your car and drive safely.

What is Smooth Braking? | Smooth Braking Tips

When it comes to driving there are many different terms that are thrown around. Some of those terms are understood by all like “u-turn” or “signaling”. But there are other terms that not everyone is familiar with but should be like smooth braking. Many people need to know what smooth braking is and once they do, they can utilize smooth braking tips to drive safer.

Find out what smooth braking is before using smooth braking tips to help you take better care of your car and drive safely.

What is Smooth Braking? | Smooth Braking Tips

Find out what smooth braking is before using smooth braking tips to help you take better care of your car and drive safely. Smooth braking is exactly what it sounds like, braking smoothly. You know you have done it correctly when your car doesn’t jolt you forward when you stop. Smooth braking is more beneficial than just a jolt at the end of your stop. Smooth braking can help make your brake pads last longer, it shows that you’re driving defensively, and can help make sure you stop at a safe distance from a crosswalk or intersection in general.

Smooth Braking Tips | Stay Aware

In order to brake smoothly, you need to stay alert while driving. If you don’t see your reason for stopping until it’s right in front of you, then you can’t brake smoothly. To stay aware, scan ahead of your vehicle keeping an eye out for stop signs, stop lights or any other potential hazards in the road. Adjust your speed accordingly to anything you may see.

Smooth Braking Tips | Four Positions

When you drive, there are four positions your driving foot can be in, over the brake, pedal pressing the brake, over the gas pedal, pressing the gas pedal. These positions are important when it comes to defensive driving as they each have their time and place. For example, when you’ve reached the speed limit on an empty highway, you will want to place your foot over the gas pedal, hovering just above it. This will ensure you do not speed but can return to the speed limit if you fall too far behind it.

Find out what smooth braking is before using smooth braking tips to help you take better care of your car and drive safely.

Smooth Braking Tips | Pedal Pressure

When you do go to press on the gas or on the brake pedals, you can feel pressure. That pressure tells you when something is happening with either the gas or the brakes. Think of it like pressing a button, there is wiggle room with that button before it begins to make contact with the electronics beneath it. When you feel pressure with that button it means you are about to complete the contact line for whatever action to take place. Gas and brake pedals are the same way, there is a bit of wiggle room before the brake begins to release brake fluid into the lines which will clamp your brake pads closed.

Smooth Braking Tips | Foot Position

If there is an obstacle in the road ahead of you, remove your foot from the gas and place it over the brake pedal. As you begin to approach the obstacle, begin to press down on the brake pedal until you feel pressure from the brakes. Gradually continue to place pressure on the pedal until you come to a complete stop. This is smooth braking and can do wonders for you and your safety.