Western High School Ranking and Reviews
There are times when a high school’s ranking allows parents and staff to take a look at their approach and see what can be improved. Western High School Ranking shows us that there is work to be done but that improvement is a possibility.

Whether parents are looking at high school because they want to move to an area or just to know what kind of education their teens will get, rankings are the way to go. Ranking a high school allows us to compare one high school’s performance to others and see how well they handle the education of teens.
Taking a look at Western High School ranking we see that there is room for improvement in a few different areas of education.
Western High School Ranking and Reviews
The most important ranking a school can have, and possibly the easiest to determine is the academics of that school. Western High School’s academics leaves something to be desired for parents and students. The average proficiency if Math at other schools is 38% which is already not very impressive.
The average proficiency in Math at Western High School is 21% which is below the state average. However, where we see that change is possible is in English. The average for English in the state of California is 49%, but at Western, that average is 54%.
This is slightly above the state average and is a good sign. Of the student body, 91% do graduate from Western High School, but only 27% leave meeting UC/CSU entrance requirements. This is further proof that there is room for improvement in the academics at Western High School.
Western High School Ranking | Equity
The equity of a high school is a little more complicated to rank as it determines how disadvantaged students’ education is approached. One example is low-income students at Western High, which make up 79% of the student body.
Unfortunately, the test scores of these students are lower in comparison to their counterparts. But the other group of disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, tell another story. Students with disabilities are showing they are 2% more proficient than disabled students at other schools.
Students with disabilities are getting equal if not slightly better treatment at Western High School. What this tells us is that the resources are available to the school, and they can improve how they approach other disadvantaged students.
Western High School Ranking | Environment
The environment of a school is important as it lets parents know what their teens could be dealing with every single day. Western High School’s environment can also show parents who they are entrusting their teens to every day.
Currently, there are 51% male students and 49% female. When it comes to teachers and staff, the state average for ratios is a bit daunting. Currently, the state average for students to teachers is 22 students to 1 teacher, for counselors it’s 830 students to 1 counselor.
At Western High School, those ratios are slightly different with 25 students to every 1 teacher and 540 students to every 1 counselor. Impressively, 99% of teachers have 3 or more years of experience in teaching. Yet more proof that staff and parents have the tools they need to improve their current ranking.
Western High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy
Varsity Driving Academy is dedicated to teaching students how to drive safely and defensively. But at the same time, Varsity Driving Academy wants the students of Western High School and all students in Orange County to focus on general education first and then learning how to drive.
There are ways that students can learn online with Varsity Driving Academy that will allow them to make their own schedule and gives them the freedom to focus where they need to focus first.