Back to School Safety Tips for Parents and Children
School is almost back in session; but before worrying about backpacks and pencils, parents should focus on safety. Surely the basics have already been instilled in your children, like don’t talk to strangers, be nice to other students and don’t get in a strangers car, but there is much more.

Its back to school time and that means it’s time to brush up on road safety with these tips to help keep you and your children safe. Road safety is important to learn for both student pedestrians and new drivers alike.
While the responsibility will fall on the driver most of the time, pedestrians can help avoid any accidents by being knowledgeable.
Back to School Safety Tips For The Child
Planning a route is very important whether your child is biking or walking to school. Make sure you and your student go over the safest route and maybe take a few practice runs before school starts. Practicing will help familiarize your student with road crossings, signals and the route in general.
Wearing protective gear is a great way to prevent major injuries in the event of an accident. If your child is biking to school, make sure they have protective gear that fits properly. If a school bus is your choice of transportation, make sure your child knows proper vehicle etiquette.
Teaching your child not to throw objects, remain seated, keep the aisles clear and to keep from distracting the driver is important.
For The Parent
Driving your child to school is one of the best ways to keep an eye on them but not easy for everyone. If you will be driving them to school, plan your route ahead of time. Be sure to calculate the extra traffic into your travel time.
Not every child will be driven to school. So if you are driving in a school zone or the surrounding neighborhoods, make sure you follow speed limits. Keep an eye out for children who may run into the street.
The drop off zone can also be known as a war zone for some parents. There is a lot of activity and plenty of people walking to and from vehicles. Be extra aware and drive very slowly through the drop zones.
In order to ensure the safest area, try and refrain from letting your child run into the street. Drop your child off at the curb and not in the middle of the street.
Just a Reminder
As always, when in a vehicle, make sure a seatbelt is worn at all times. Make sure you’re aware of your child’s specific seating laws. Children of certain weights must be in the backseat in a car seat or booster seat.
California has one of the highest seat belt law compliance rates; don’t tarnish that record. These are some of the best ways to ensure safety during the school season and transportation though there are plenty more tips to follow.
Starting your child off with these rules will help instill them and turn them into a habit.
Have a great and safe school year!
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