DUI Drivers License Checkpoint in San Clemente Close Up of a Glass of Beer with a Toy Car Inside

DUI / Driver’s License Checkpoint in San Clemente

DUI Checkpoints are a great deterrent to impaired driving. A great example of the deterrent is in San Clemente California. The DUI checkpoint in San Clemente has made waves of changes in driver safety and should be the example for other cities to follow.

The DUI checkpoint in San Clemente is a prime example of why checkpoints should be in every city, or town every weekend to keep drivers safe.

Driving under the influence doesn’t mean just driving after a few drinks, it includes drug use as well. In fact, a recent study showed that 14 percent of active drivers who were impaired were on drugs. Unfortunately, 30 percent of fatal crashes involved someone who was driving while intoxicated.

There is a way to combat impaired driving in an even more active way than just informing people of the dangers. The DUI checkpoint in San Clemente is a prime example of why checkpoints should be in every city, or town every weekend to keep drivers safe.

DUI / Driver’s License Checkpoint in San Clemente

Most often, a DUI checkpoint is placed in locations where collision statistics and DUI arrest stats show us are more common than others. This strategy ensures that each checkpoint in San Clemente provides the best results.

A DUI checkpoint is set up by having deputies stop vehicles at random to check for signs of impaired driving. Some checkpoints even play host to specially trained deputies who know exactly what to look for in impaired drivers.

If suspected of driving under the influence, the driver is directed to a safe spot nearby for further testing and evaluation.

The DUI checkpoint in San Clemente is a prime example of why checkpoints should be in every city, or town every weekend to keep drivers safe.

DUI Checkpoint Costs

One of the biggest arguments against the DUI checkpoint in San Clemente is the cost. However, a further examination of the numbers shows a different story than many may believe. Taking costs of emergency response teams, public damage and more caused by drivers under the influence into consideration, there is a $6 savings for every $1 spent.

What that stat means is for every dollar spent to host the checkpoint in San Clemente, there are a $6 savings. The money to host a checkpoint is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

How The Checkpoint in San Clemente Deters

The locations of checkpoints are not shared and while they are strategically placed, it is also random. However, news of a checkpoint somewhere is advertised. The goal is to make sure everyone knows there will be a checkpoint but not know where they will be that night.

Recent research has shown that by hosting checkpoints this way can reduce impaired driving by up to 20 percent. If done routinely, driver safety is increased in any location and is worth the time and money.

Consider this, you may not be driving while impaired but that doesn’t mean you can’t be involved in an accident thanks to alcohol or drugs.