When we compare high schools we get a ranking and the Saddleback High School ranking shows us where improvements can be made.

Saddleback High School Ranking and Reviews

High school is a very important time in a teen’s life and how well that high school does at its job can determine a teen’s future. Some schools perform better than others and some schools improve over time but all schools can be ranked. Saddleback High School ranking tells us a lot about which type of school it is and can become.

When we compare high schools we get a ranking and the Saddleback High School ranking shows us where improvements can be made.

When we compare high schools we get a ranking and the Saddleback High School ranking shows us where improvements can be made.

Saddleback High School Ranking | Academics

The academics of Saddleback High School are determined by a few different things, college readiness, test scores, advanced courses and more. While the graduation rate at Saddleback is high, 94% to be exact, students aren’t leaving prepared for college. Only 40% of graduates are leaving Saddleback with UC/CSU entrance requirements being met. Even more worrisome is the proficiency students have in Math and English. State averages for proficiency in English are currently 50%, at Saddleback that percentage is 35%. The average for proficiency in Math is 39% and at Saddleback it’s 22%. These things are things Saddleback staff and parents need to bring more attention to in the future. There is potential, seeing as how there are currently 20 different advanced courses being offered at Saddleback.

Saddleback High School Ranking | Equity

The equity of a high school isn’t as easily measured. In order to understand the equity of Saddleback, we compare the progress of students from low-income families and students with disabilities to a statewide performance. For example, students from low-income families in the state of California have higher test scores than those that attend Saddleback High School. The same can be said about students with disabilities. The state average for proficiency among students with disabilities is 15% but at Saddleback High it is 8%. This is a worrisome sign as well since all students aren’t getting the help they may need.

When we compare high schools we get a ranking and the Saddleback High School ranking shows us where improvements can be made.

Saddleback High School Ranking | Environment

The environment of a high school is even more difficult to rank. In fact, much of the information we gather about the environment is for an opinion. The only thing that isn’t opinion based is the information about the staff. Currently, the state average for a student to teacher ratio is 22 students to 1 teacher. At Saddleback High School, that ratio isn’t far off at 25 to 1. The state average ratio for students to counselors is currently 830 to 1. At Saddleback High the ration is better at 453 to 1. What this tells us is that the school has the staff it needs to improve the above information.

Saddleback High School Ranking | Varsity Driving Academy

Varsity Driving Academy is determined to teach students how to drive defensively and safely. The goal is to use technology to help do that while not impeding a student’s education. Online learning, free pick up and drop off services, and so much more is done by Varsity Driving Academy to make sure everyone wins. Learn more about Varsity Driving Academy and then register for classes today.