Where to Practice Driving in Aliso Viejo
A newly permitted driver understandably cannot wait to hit the road. But before you get going you need to know where you are going and how to get there. Sharpening your driving skills with good practice is really important. You should aim for 2-3 hours of practice a week. Practicing in your own hometown can help with new driver nerves. If you practice in an area you are familiar with you will be more comfortable. You probably already know your way around for the most part by being a passenger in your neighborhood many times before. Since you won’t have to worry about getting lost, you can focus on sharpening your skills. Teens in Aliso Viejo need to know where to practice driving in Aliso Viejo so they can practice safely and confidently.
You can practice driving locally by knowing where to practice driving in Aliso Viejo and then put your skills to the test before your final test.
If you are learning to drive in Aliso Viejo you are lucky. There are so many ways to explore your hometown and learn to drive. From residential streets to schools, main roads, and even a freeway, learning to drive in Aliso Viejo will give you the practice and skills you need to confidently get through your driving test.
Where to Practice Driving in Aliso Viejo
A school parking lot after hours or when school is not in session is a great place to learn to maneuver your car. You can pull in and out of parking spaces and parallel park. You can even practice maneuvers in reverse like backing into a parking space or backing the car around an obstacle.
The Commons at Aliso Viejo
The Commons shopping center is across from the Aliso Viejo Town Center and is a great place to go when you are wondering where to practice driving in Aliso Viejo. It’s a large parking lot where you can practice your parking skills. If you drive behind the Michaels store you will find a large and almost unused area of the parking lot where you could practice maneuvering. Take along some cones or other objects and you can even set up a maneuverability course. Go forward and backward through the course until you have mastered your skills.
Aliso Creek Road Out and Back
Aliso Creek Road runs the entire span of Aliso Viejo and offers a great out and back type drive for a new driver. Start near the corner of Aliso Creek and Wood Canyon which is near the wilderness park. From there head North. You will come across several major intersections, traffic lights, and speeds up to 50mph. When you reach Eastwing turn left and follow it as it makes a half-circle and turns into Westwing. You will hit Aliso Creek again. Turn right and head back to your starting point.
The 73 (Toll Road)
Route 73 is a toll road, but if you are willing to pay a few dollars you can practice freeway driving within the limits of Aliso Viejo. Merge onto the 73 North at La Paz Rd. You can gain experience merging, reaching freeway speeds, and changing lanes. The 73 is far less congested than the 5 or 405 which is great for a new driver’s nerves. Exit the 73 at El Toro Road and turn right to head back into Aliso Viejo.