5 Stats Teenage Drivers Need to Know
The saying knowledge is power can be applied to just about everything in life. As we age, we grow through different stages of knowledge. As children, we are learning; as teens, we think we know everything; as adults, we begin to learn again; and as seniors, we begin to pass that knowledge down. Applications of knowledge through each stage of life change, and as parents it’s important that we share some knowledge with our teens, especially as they embark on their journey from behind the wheel.

There are a few stats that every parent should know and pass on to their teenage drivers to help ensure their safety while on the road.
5 Stats Teenage Drivers Need to Know
Teens love the idea of being free and having the ability to travel with friends. However, with friends is one of the most dangerous times a teen can be behind the wheel. A couple of ways to combat this danger is to either not drive at all with other teens in the car or set strict rules while doing so.
No need for added distractions from other teens; remain quiet and seated.
Distracted driving is a bigger risk amongst teen drivers and is harmful to them and others on the road. However, distractions come in many forms besides a smartphone. Friends are in the car, listening to loud music, doing makeup, and eating.
There are so many different ways to get distracted while driving; though smartphones are the biggest problem when it comes to teen drivers.
Even with apps and other methods, teens continue to use their smartphones while driving. This is where strong parenting will come into play. How you choose to ensure your teen is not using their smartphone in the car is entirely up to you. Just make sure teens are fully aware of the dangers and understand they will be held responsible.
While having a license is a privilege, not a right, it feels like a right as a teen. The right to explore and grow, the right to become their own person. Most importantly, having a license allows you to operate a very dangerous machine openly, surrounded by others.
Our first steps are always wobbly, and this truth extends to behind the wheel. It is only after a minimum of two years that drivers begin to be considered “experienced.” Teens should be aware that passing the tests and receiving their licenses does not make them pro. It takes time to learn how to react to every situation.
These are all reasons why defensive driving is our focus at Varsity Driving Academy. Our goal is to teach teens to remain safe and to react to many different situations. Contact us today to sign up and start your teen off on the right wheel.
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