To pass drivers test, students and parents need all the best tips for driving and for remaining safe while on the road no matter where that road lies.

Driving Tips to Pass Driving Test

Varsity Driving Academy works hard to make sure every student is equipped with the knowledge to pass driving test. To pass the driving test, students need to know the basics of driving. However, we go above and beyond by also teaching defensive driving tactics. We want students to not only pass their driving test but to remain as safe as possible while behind the wheel. Before their final driving test at the DMV, students practice both with our trained professionals as well as parents or family members. We want to m ake sure that whoever they practice with has the tools to stay on the right path while driving.To pass drivers test, students and parents need all the best tips for driving and for remaining safe while on the road no matter where that road lies.

To pass drivers test, students and parents need all the best tips for driving and for remaining safe while on the road no matter where that road lies.

Driving Tips to Pass Driving Test | Signaling

Signaling is an important aspect of safe driving. The driver’s test will require students to know how to signal at the proper times. Using our signals allows other drivers to know where we’re going and when we plan to do so.

Driving a Stick

Most students will learn how to drive in an automatic vehicle because it is easier to learn. However, driving a stick allows drivers to have more control over their vehicle and even save on gas. Knowing how to drive a stick as well as an automatic is a great tool to have for all drivers.


Driving in reverse may not be an everyday aspect of driving but it is just as important as driving forward. All students should know how to drive in reverse before taking their final test at the DMV. Practicing reverse driving in empty parking lots or along long stretches of empty curbs before trying to pass driving test.

Right Turn

When it comes to turning, the direction of your turn matters. On a driving test, students will need to know the difference and how to approach both the left turn and right turn correctly. Making a right turn may seem easier, however, making a right turn requires more attention to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

To pass driving test, students and parents need all the best tips for driving and for remaining safe while on the road no matter where that road lies.

Left Turn

A left turn usually means crossing traffic in a major way. Knowing how to make a left turn isn’t as simple as turning the wheel and depressing the gas. Students will need to know things like right of way laws and when those laws come into play.


Most car accidents will happen at an intersection. The best drivers will know how to approach an intersection with caution. Every driver should pass through an intersection defensively, keeping them, and other drivers as safe as possible.

Changing Lanes

When changing lanes drivers must pay attention to other drivers and always remember to signal. What seems like a small and easy aspect of driving could cost someone’s life. Parents and students should practice changing lanes regularly. Utilizing mirrors and new technology can help keep people safe and even help pass driving test.


Drivers are often sharing the road with others at all times of the day and night. To pass driving test nd to remain safe, all drivers should know the three-second rule. The rule helps you keep a safe space between you and other drivers. Three seconds is the least amount of time you’ll need to react to sudden stops or to other drivers who aren’t driving properly.

To pass driving test, students and parents need all the best tips for driving and for remaining safe while on the road no matter where that road lies.


Parking on flat land is hard enough, especially when you need to make sure you don’t hit other vehicles. Parking on hills raises the stakes by putting your car at a slant. Luckily, there are ways to protect your vehicle when parking on hills and this knowledge will help you pass your drivers test.

Parallel Parking

Everyone knows the fear of parallel parking and some drivers still avoid it because it’s too risky for them. However, parallel parking can’t always be avoided and it’s important that drivers know how to parallel park safely and with ease.

The Freeway

Driving on any freeway is not like driving through town. New drivers should spend plenty of hours practicing driving on freeways. Driving at faster speeds, with hundreds of other drivers at the same time creates an environment in which accidents thrive. However, with the right freeway driving tips, you’ll be better prepared.

Driving at Night

Driving during the day is mastered by few, especially new drivers. Driving at night is even harder and some drivers who’ve been driving for years would rather avoid night driving. However, if you have the right tools, knowledge, and tips you can one day be a master of driving at night.


A U-turn is important to know how to execute and in the safest way possible. Every intersection is different so students must know the difference between a prohibited sign and no sign at all. Parents also should practice this skill with students on a residential street rather than a parking lot.