Learn how to make U turns properly and be prepared for any and every scenario you may be approaching while behind the wheel.

Making U Turns in California: What to Know

Making a U turn is a part of driving that requires practice to get right. There are few aspects of driving where the size of a lane, your vehicle, and the turning radius matters. All of the above factor into making U turns. Practice will always make better but there are a few tips for U turns that could help. U turns aren’t allowed at every intersection but that doesn’t mean having the skill isn’t a necessity. Learn how to make U turns properly and be prepared for any and every scenario you may be approaching while behind the wheel.

Learn how to make U turns properly and be prepared for any and every scenario you may be approaching while behind the wheel.

Making U Turns in California: What to Know | U Practice

Like any other driving skill, practicing works best if done in an open parking lot. When practicing making U turns, a wide residential street with little traffic may work even better. Before you start practicing, make sure the street has little to no traffic and is clear of obstructions. If the street is busy, try a different street or wait until traffic dies down. A parking lot works for practicing making U turns but they won’t allow you to judge space as well. Parents of teens learning how to make U turns should be present while practicing. Specifically, during U turn practice, parents may act as their teen’s eyes. Allow students to focus completely on the turn itself at first. Once they’ve mastered the physical aspects of the turn, they can start to learn how to be aware of their surroundings.

Learn the skill of making U turns properly and be prepared for any and every scenario you may be approaching while behind the wheel.

On The Road

When you’re ready to make a U turn at an intersection make sure you follow the rules of the road. Not every intersection allows for a u turn, make sure you look for signs prohibiting them before trying to make the turn. Position your car to the right side of the furthest left lane. When your path is clear, move straight forward with your foot hovering above the brake pedal. Once you’ve cleared the median, turn your wheel as far left as possible. Brake during the beginning and as you complete the turn begin to accelerate. Allow your wheel to straighten out and accelerate to the legal speed limit.