Safety Tips for Orange County Drivers and Pedestrians
Operating a vehicle is very big responsibility. You can seriously injure someone or even worse without much effort at all. In fact, in 2018, 6,227 pedestrians were killed by cars and over 137,000 people were injured. It is important to utilize safety tips for Orange County drivers to help protect pedestrians.
Safety Tips for Orange County Drivers and Pedestrians
Safety tips for Orange County drivers can help drivers and pedestrians remain safe while sharing the beautiful outdoors. The first tip to follow is the right of way tip. You must allow others to have the right of way in specific scenarios. For example, some intersections only have stop signs for north and south but cars travelling east or west don’t.
That means the cars travelling east and west have the right of way. There is also a rule for pedestrians that involves right of way. The rule is simple, pedestrians always have the right of way. Some drivers think that pedestrians who jaywalk or who are running in a bike lane takes away their right of way.
However, there is no instance in which a pedestrian doesn’t have the right of way, if even they aren’t crossing the street in a designated area.
Defensive Driving Techniques
One of the best safety tips for Orange County drivers is to drive defensively. Defensive driving is when drivers proactively avoid dangerous situations. For example, drive slower when you see many pedestrians walking on the sidewalk, if cars are parked along the street, or being extra alert when driving in residential areas at night.
You never know when someone might enter your pathway, especially in the above examples. Defensive driving will help keep drivers and pedestrians safer.
Safety Tips for Orange County Drivers
There are many safety tips for Orange County Drivers, but some are covered by simple driving laws. Drivers should never get distracted while driving, that means no texting, no phone calls, and even lowering the volume of the stereo. But people often get loose with these rules which is why the statistics surrounding this topic are so scary.
Drivers should always make a full stop at stop signs, and red lights. Most importantly, always obey speed limits. The limits are adjusted in different areas for a reason.
There aren’t just safety tips for Orange County drivers, pedestrians can help as well. Basic tips for pedestrians would be to not put yourself in dangerous situations. For example, cross the street where you do have a designated area when possible. Pedestrians should also look both ways before crossing the street.
These are basic ideas that work well to keep pedestrians even more safe. Pedestrians should walk against traffic, meaning they are facing the opposite direction in which cars are driving. It can be difficult to get out of the way of a moving vehicle when you can’t even see it coming.